WATL Pro League Cycle 1 Open Qualifiers

November 25th, 2020

For the the most current Pro League Qualifier information, please visit the rules page.

UPDATE: Congratulations to the following throwers for ranking in the top 32 from the 2020 WATC and securing a spot in the first WATL Pro League cycle from January 2021-June 2021.

Ryan Smit
Mike Kump
Nick Rich
Sam Carter
Jonathan Morgan
Garrett Gneiting
Steven Messerschmidt
Miguel Tamburini
Dan Ceballos
Colby Dean
Vin Crescenzo
John Bradley
Sean Hout
Ian Malpass
Shane Shepard
Mike Philabaum
Gary Dayter
Manny Kohl
Marcus Brown
David Cycon
Mark Mirasol
Brad Smiley
Tyler Lalka
Jules Mondeau
Eric Enriquez
Nate Hodges
Zach Crawford
Dustin Vaughan
Tyler Flynn
Ryan Gustin
Ron Crumpler
Adam James

As 2021 approaches we wanted to remind everyone and give additional details on our upcoming Pro League Open Qualifiers that will be taking place next month.

The World Axe Throwing League Professional League is a qualifying system that helps to identify and recognize the top competitors in the sport of axe throwing for standard hatchet competition.

Competitors will participate in the WATL Leagues with other players, but will have additional rules and qualifying criteria in place in order to maintain Pro League status. More information regarding eligibility and benefits of the Pro League can be found here.

  • The top 64 players in Circuit Points will be evaluated before Winter and Summer League seasons.
  • Each half year of WATL Pro League is defined as a Cycle.
  • Members of the first WATL Pro League Cycle (January 2021 to June 2021) will be determined by:
    • The Top 32 throwers at the 2020 World Axe Throwing Championship (WATC)
    • The Top 32 scores from an Open Qualifier to be held after the 2020 WATC

An Open Qualification is where WATL venues host dedicated dates & times for throwers to participate in qualifying throws for a chance at a spot in the Pro League.

Here are the specifics for the Pro League Open Qualifiers:

  • All scores must be submitted on or before the deadline of December 21
    • We will only accept scores and submissions using the official WATL app
  • Venues are free to hold Open Qualification throws at any point from December 7th to December 21st (whenever is most convenient for venues)
    • Venues are responsible for communicating scheduled times to their patrons, throwers or interested parties
  • Venues will charge a $25 qualification fee to all throwers
  • Throwers will be allowed only one score submission. Scores will be submitted via the WATL web-app by a certified WATL judge
    • Self scoring is not permitted, for any reason
  • Throws must be scored using the new WATL target with inner bullseye and 5 ring. No exceptions.
  • All throws must be recorded on video as backup (this is the responsibility of the thrower, venues are encouraged to help facilitate this). Videos must conform to the stated format:
    • During each throw the thrower, fault line, and target must be visible. Refer to this video for correct camera placement.
    • Players must stay behind the fault line and wait for their score to be called before crossing.
    • Certified Judges MUST speak in a loud, clear and concise voice, indicating the score of that throw.
    • Videos will be uploaded via YouTube or Google Drive link and submitted directly to watl@worldaxethrowingleague.com no later than December 28. Any videos submitted after the deadline will be disqualified from Pro League participation for the current cycle.
  • The number of qualifying throws will be as follows:
    • 50 Throws + 10 Overtime Kill Shots
      • Killshots will be mandatory every 5th throw; updated rules regarding open Killshots will not apply to Open Qualifiers
      • Players do NOT have to alternate Killshots for the qualifying throws
  • The top 32 qualifying throwers will receive a spot in the WATL Pro League’s first cycle from January 2021 – June 2021 and will be announced prior to the start of the 2021 Winter league season.