Certified Judges
The World Axe Throwing League is proud to showcase our Certified Judges! WATL Certified Judges are held to the highest standard in understanding and implementing our rules when overseeing sanctioned events such as leagues, tournaments, qualifiers, and more. Certified Judges allow venues to organize and run these sanctioned events to the highest standards and best practices.

WATL Judges are:
- Certified by WATL
- Up-to-date with the latest rules & changes
- Able to officially run WATL sanctioned leagues
- Have the ability to help in WATL sanctioned tournaments, including the World Axe Throwing Championship
- Have a deep understanding of the rules for:
- Standard (Hatchet)
- Big Axe
- Duals
- Can conduct Qualifying Throws (Open & Closed) for Major and Televised Tournaments
- Able to renew or up-date the Certified Judge standing in future years when rule changes occur
- Serve as a substitute that may assist other venues in hosting leagues or tournaments
The full list of WATL Judges:
Current as of January 15, 2025
Abbey Finkill | Christopher Chapman | Jamie Mather | Morgan Buckner |
Abel Castaneda | Christopher Tadd Dubois | Jarom Surface | Nathan Lumley |
Aj Jenson | Chuck Shedd | Jason F. Benge | Neil Rust |
Alex Everson | Cole Estrem | Jason Sirett | Nevin Gordon-Keolanui |
Alexi Jameson | Colin Blyth | Jason Walters | Nicholas Carnes |
Alexis Kugler | Colton Askew | Jeb Bisset | Nicholas Farrow |
Alexsha Vann | Connor D. Steck | Jeff Coulton | Nicholas G Wood |
Alison Fawthrop | Connor Pedersen | Jen Gaddy | Nigel Sakos |
Allen Watford | Curtis Sethaler | Jennifer Decker | Novan Hoyt |
Alon Shahak | Dan Steel | Jesse Plunkard | Pamela Erickson |
Amanda Phillips | Daniel Koehler | Jessica Hamm | Patrick Bachman |
Amber Norman | Danny Williams | Jimmy Nettles | Patrick Williams |
Amy Holzgrafe | Darcie Shedd | Joe Devine | Rachel Meade |
Andrea Johnson | David Cline | Joe Flaugher | Ray Siochowicz |
Andrew Moss | David Hall | Joe Handy | Raymond Snyder |
Andrew Sudol | David Lewis | Joey Kelly | Rhonda Eaton |
Andy Rinehart | David Lowe | John Doepke | Richard Carpenter |
Angel Darling | David Sacks | John Fogus | Robb Carper |
Anna Gregory | David Sauls | Jonathan Beard | Robert Holley |
Anna Mier | Debra Benge | Jorge Sanchez | Robert Mccollum |
Anthony Tolen | Dennis J Denny | Joseph Kucia | Ross Hansen |
Artie Mathewson | Dennis M. Cocca | Josh Unser | Ryan Ortiz |
Ashley Wilkins | Derek Alfonso | Joshua Albert | Sam Gardner |
Ashlyn Lampela-Christmas | Donnie Fulbright | Justin Licht | Samuel Arias |
Austin Folk | Dorothy Winter | Kelin Randall | Sana Khan |
Austin Husome | Dustin J Huffman | Kellan Gallagher Peterson | Sarah Woody |
Austin Shepperd | Dustin Kopel | Kendra Kolomyja | Savanah Sheets |
Baltazar Enriquez | Dylan Baker | Kendra Tubman | Scott Gardner |
Barry Coombes | Ed Sisson | Kenny Pierce | Scott R Melanson |
Benjamin Gaddy | Edward J Harris | Kevin Mcnair | Sebastian Arnold |
Botrammell | Eitan Goldmeer | Kimberly Netto | Seth Catron |
Brad Barter | Eric Lemmons | Kyle Eric Thompson | Shane Funke |
Brandi Melanson | Erica L. Perry-Broekemeier | Kyle Rickenbaugh | Shaun Daniels |
Brandon Contreras | Erika Dicocco | Lauren Lentz | Shawn Erickson |
Brandon Elliott | Ernie Wilkins Jr | Lisa Gardner | Stephanie Jo Hoyt |
Brandon Johnson | Evelyn Oliver | Lorie Park | Stephanie Muller Mozdzierz |
Brandon Prince | Frank Christmas | Marcia Lozier | Steve Bridges |
Brennan Wozniak | Frank Gutierrez | Marguerite Tilton | Stjepan P Richtaritsch |
Brent Henderson | Gary Mccartney | Mary Jo Clemens-Harris | Ted R. Cook Jr. |
Brent Killins | Geoff Putney | Matt Ogle | Thomas Fenn Jr |
Brian Blake | George Harris | Matthew Bradshaw | Tom Decker |
Brian Collins | Glenn Roberts | Matthew H Perry | Tracey Mccormick |
Bruce Netto | Grant Kramb | Matthew Robbins | Trent Lilly |
Bryan Killinger | Greg J Garcia | Melanie Winters | Trevor Paul |
Bryce Porter | Gregory A Mckeithan | Michael Arita | Tyler Burns |
Carly Weller | Guy R Vogt Jr | Michael Bullis | Tyler Kambeitz |
Cary Brown | Heather Sanderell | Michael Day | Vince Prater |
Casey Faulkner | Ian Colin Ireland | Michael Henderson | Vincent Ingallinera |
Cassaundra Taylor Wheaton | Ignacio “Luke” Salazar | Michael Moss | Zac Norman |
Catherine Dowie | Isaiah Harris | Mike Cox | Zach Vann |
Chris Dalton | James W. Lentz Jr. | Mike Morton | Zachary Silva |
Christopher Anderson | James Whiteley | Molly K. Flynn |
Interested in becoming a WATL Certified judge too? The program is open to the public! You do not have to be employed at a venue to participate and receive the certification. In order to apply and participate in the WKTL Judge Certification program, click on the button below; the Judge Certification cost is $85USD. Upon purchase, you will be sent a link to complete the Judge Certification Quiz.
Upon successful completion of the quiz, you’ll be sent a certificate with your name and date of completion, signifying that you are a WATL Certified Judge. With this certification, you will be able to run and manage sanctioned events as an official who clearly understands the rule sets and expectations of WATL to the highest standard. If you’re designated as the official for your leagues, you will have the ability to adjudicate calls for the sanctioned event you are running.