The World Axe Throwing League has recently launched with an objective to unify the sport of urban axe throwing. Spearheading the project is the world’s largest urban axe throwing company, Bad Axe Throwing.
We’re partnering with other axe throwing facilities from all around the globe to standardize the rules and regulations of this unique sport with plans to host the very first World Axe Throwing League (WATL) Championships.
Inception of the World Axe Throwing League
The sport of urban axe throwing is trending and expanding internationally. We noticed that many indoor urban axe throwing facilities, mostly in Canada, followed similar business practices and axe throwing rules. However, there wasn’t much communication between businesses. We felt that we needed to create a forum for these facilities to open the floor for discussion on standardizing official rules and regulations to reach a level of harmony and legitimize indoor axe throwing as a sport.
Unifying the Sport of Urban Axe Throwing
Our vision is to prove that indoor axe throwing isn’t just a unique experience; it can be a competitive sport. We want to unite indoor urban axe throwing facilities from around the world under one professional axe throwing association. Axe throwing clubs that join WATL will enjoy perks like global promotion, exposure, and access to a support system that aids in marketing.
What Makes WATL Unique
Our collaboration with other indoor urban axe throwing companies to create WATL is what sets this league apart from our competitors. Our all-inclusive approach brings these facilities together and allows them the forum and voice to communicate with each other to establish standardized rules and regulations for this sport.
WATL’s Goals & Objectives
The World Axe Throwing League is not here to promote a single brand or image. WATL is here to promote the sport of indoor axe throwing as a whole while bringing together all indoor urban axe throwing clubs from around the world. We seek to standardize the sport of axe throwing – from official league rules, the points tracking system, safety protocols, axe throwing techniques, and everything in between. WATL plans to host the very first worldwide axe throwing championship involving all members.
Members of WATL will continue to host events and parties. The standardized rules and regulations only apply when competing for a league.
“Because of the strong demand for the sport of urban axe throwing, we’re establishing a World Axe Throwing League – similar to what you would expect for the NHL, UFC, NBA, MLB, etc.,” said Mario Zelaya, League Chairman and owner of Bad Axe Throwing.
Format of the League
Individuals will face off against each other every week in their home city’s league. Their scores will be tracked throughout a seven-week season and those skilled enough to make it to week 8 will participate in the playoffs where a world champion will be crowned.
Accepting More Founding Members!
We have big plans for WATL and we’re welcoming all indoor urban axe throwing facilities for a limited time to join us as members!
Follow us on Instagram & Facebook @worldaxethrowingleague and on Twitter @WATLaxe for the latest updates!
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