Who is the best thrower in the world? And where do you stack up? These are questions we’ve often heard and that don’t always have clear answers. We can look at a season and say “I was ranked X,” but even that can change week to week, or season to season. If you are number 5 in a season, are you really number 5? Is Colby Dean automatically number 2 after coming in second at worlds?
In order to better rank our players, both for seeding purposes and to answer the questions above, we have spent considerable time testing a new Rating System which would allow players to see their global “rank.”
The system we created is modeled after several other sports rating systems, and achieving a rating of 1000 would truly be impressive (but doable!). The attached PDF details the system, how ratings are calculated, and the reasonings behind each calculation.
At a glance:
- Your rating will be based on your best league performance each season (which consists of bull hit %, Killshots hit, and total average.
- This rating will go up OR DOWN depending on your current rank and how well you place at each tournament.
- Rankings for seasons only account for your individual stats, as these are the important metrics, and ranking for tournaments do NOT include any modifiers for stats (as these are irrelevant to the placements and performance of the tournament.
Keep in mind, this is a BETA TEST ONLY- none of these ratings will affect any tournaments/seeds of 2023. We intend to run the system all year to make sure it works and iron out the kinks before anything is officially implemented.
We will host a live Q&A on our YouTube channel next Wednesday, February 1 at 2:00pm EST. You can submit questions for the Q&A on this form here.
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