The fourth annual Craftsman Awards are here! We’re thrilled to invite our Certified Makers in the Craftsman Program to participate, giving them a chance to showcase their exceptional skills and creations. These awards are all about highlighting the talent and dedication of our craftsmen while recognizing the top creators who truly embody the spirit of innovation and artistry.
Craftsmen can compete in 4 categories:
- Best Hatchet
- Best Big Axe
- Best Sheath
- Best Laser Engraving
The Craftsman Awards will be judged through a combination of community voting and panel judging, with the panel’s input carrying more weight. Panel judges who submit entries in a category will not evaluate their own submissions to ensure fairness. This approach balances community engagement with expert evaluation.
This panel judging for each category will be rated on a 10-point scale in each of the following categories considering the questions found within, respectively:
- How is the quality of the hang?
- Are there any gaps on the top or bottom of the axe head?
- Is the blade true to the handle?
- How well is the head affixed to the handle, is it loose?
- Is there curling under the axe head?
- Are there any gaps in the glue-up?
- Are there bubbles in the epoxy?
- If any, are the patterns or lines lined up?
- How finished is the profiling, is it rough, are there swirls, is it rusted?
- How centered is the wedge, are there any gaps?
- Is the blade modified to throw for maximum coverage 4″ / 4-⅝”?
- Is the sanding of the handle smooth and uniform?
- When looking down the side of the handle is the handle itself straight? (Not bowed, cupped, bent, or twisted)
- All submissions for best axe must meet WATL specifications for official competition.
- If there is stitching, is it all tight, not loose, or frayed?
- Are there any abrasion marks or imperfections outside of typical leather?
- If the sheath is dyed, is the coloring all uniform and not blotchy?
- Are the edges smoothed and rounded (Burnishing)?
- If there is hardware installed such as Chicago screws, rivets, snaps, pins, buckles, etc. Are they damaged in any way?
- If there is lasering, engraving, embossment, paint, etc. Is it all uniform, smooth, not blotchy?
- Will the entry fit a standard WATL 4″/4-⅝” bit snugly and not too loose?
- Does the strap (if applicable) wrap around/fit snugly?
- Is the submission done in a manner that allows the artwork to be clearly seen from all angles and positions?
- Does the submission utilize depth, surface finish, texture, and/or color to enhance the details of the artwork?
- Is the submission fully original artwork or does it incorporate existing logos or imagery?
- Is the submission clean?
- Are metal submissions free from rust, residue, engraving dust or other blemishes including fingerprints?
- Are wood/leather submissions free from burns, cracks, scorch marks, or other blemishes including residues from the engraving process?
- Is the space provided by the item being engraved/etched utilized in a creative and well-crafted manner?
- Are the margins around the artwork uniform/symmetrical?
- Was the artwork designed to fit with the shape of the engraved item? Does it follow the edges and lines of the piece?
- Do parts of the artwork touch or cross the edge of the engraved item?
- Did the submission utilize any existing features of the engraved item in its design? (i.e. the Toro logo or the WATL logo being integrated in some manner instead of ignored or removed)
- If a submission includes elements that are painted, dyed, stained, or otherwise colored, was that applied evenly and cleanly? Are there any bubbles, thin/thick sections, or other blemishes visible?
Please note that if any members of the voting panel submit in a category, they will not vote in said category. If all Craftsman panel members submit in a category, then the panel will consist of WATL Council members, WATL staff, and/or other committee members (i.e. Judges, Rules, etc.).
- All participants must be a member of the Certified Craftsman Program as of 1/23/2025
- All participants are allowed one entry per award
- All submissions need to have been created between 1/1/2024 and 2/27/2025
- All submitted axes must be WATL axe heads or WKTL/Toro knives
- All designs must adhere to the WATL Code of Conduct
- If an axe submitted for Best Hatchet or Best Big Axe includes laser work/engraving done by someone other than the submitting maker, the entry must be submitted as a co-submission with the craftsman responsible for the laser work/engraving.
- If the co-submission wins that category, the award and prize will be shared equally with both craftsmen.
Participants must submit the following pictures and videos for each axe category:
- Photo of the left and right profiles of each entry – totaling two (2) photos
- Birds-eye view of the whole entry laid on a table
- Top-down view showing head-to-handle alignment
- Close-up of the axe head detail
- Close-up of the axe handle detail
- Photo on a scale showing axe is within WATL specifications
- Photo with a tape measure showing the axe is within WATL specifications
- Styled shot – displaying your axe how you would like
- For a Best Axe submission, pay attention to the criteria and submit photos/videos accordingly
Participants must submit the following pictures and videos for the Best Sheath category:
- Photo of the left and right sides of each entry – totaling two (2) photos
- Birds-eye view of the whole entry laid on a table
- Close-up of the sheath stitching, lasering, engraving, and/ or embossment detail
- Styled shot – displaying your entry how you would like
- Each best sheath submission must include a video of the sheath being put on and removed from an axe or knife.
Participants must submit the following pictures and videos for the Best Laser work/Engraving category::
- 2 Photos – bird’s-eye views of the entire submission from both sides taken top down with the submission laying on a table with a clean background free from obstructions so the submission is clearly visible.
- 1+ photos – close-up photos of the submission showing the depth and detail of the piece including the fit of the artwork on the piece.
- Styled shot – displaying your axe or knife, how you would like.
All Entries Must Be Submitted by
February 27th, 2025
Each winner will receive an award plaque and:
TOTAL: $800 (WATL store credit)
- Best Hatchet $250
- Best Big Axe $250
- Best Sheath $150
- Best Laser work/Engraving $150

Philly Axe Co – Vin Crescenzo

Rain Axe Company – David Carroll

Samurai Ty Leather Craft – Ty Ledesma

Titanium Designs – Jessica Renner
Learn more about our Certified Craftsman and how you can join the program!
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