Pro League status is awarded to the top 128 throwers (by Season Rating) on the Advanced leaderboard each season. To earn a bid to the World Axe Throwing Championship (WATC), throwers must achieve Pro League status twice in the same competition year. Leagues earning Pro status do not need to be consecutive to earn a bid.
For more information on qualifying for WATC, see our Qualifying page below.
Congrats to the Season 4 Pro League!
Alex Everson | David Lowe | Justin Reese | Ray Siochowicz |
Alex Schweickert | Douglas George | Keith Kimball | Raymond Dales |
Andrew Evans | Drew Moss | Kelin Randall | Raymond Snyder |
Anthony Tolen | Dustin Wellman | Kendra Kolomyja | Ricky Williams |
Ashlyn Lampela-Christmas | Dwayne Salmon | Kyle Duff | Roger Melendrez |
Austin Bock | Dylan Teets | Kyle Rickenbaugh | Ruben Vargas |
Austin Husome | Eric Lemmons | Kyle Skal | Ryan Gustin |
Austin Shepperd | Erik Rimblas | Kyle Speelman | Ryan Perrion |
Austin Wilkins | Frank Christmas | Leo Brnada | Sean Dunaway |
Baltazar Enriquez | Garrett Bailey | Logan Keehn | Sean Rameika |
Ben Zoiss | Gary Whitaker | Lucas Johnson | Sebastian Arnold |
Bill Fienberg | Geoff Putney | Mark Tennant | Shane Funke |
Black Metal Axe | Grant Kramb | Mark Tishko | Stephen Neal |
Brandon Holt | Greg Lindauer | Mat Ball | Steve Bridges |
Brandon Johnson | Gregg Ward | Matt Cook | Steven Greene |
Brandon Schell | Han Rhee | Matt Hurtt | Suzie Murphy |
Brett Williamson | Jacob Crossan | Matthew Colavecchia | Thomas Antoniello |
Bryan Hotz | Jacob Keszthelyi | Matthew Pelletier | Tim Haggard |
Carty Weller | James Hewitt | Micah Fonoroff | Tim Valliere |
Casey Briggs | James Strasburg | Michael Day | TJ Schultz |
Chase Salwach | James Waldrop | Michael Moss | Tom Corey |
Christopher Dubois | Jeremy Hanna | Mike Coombs | Tom Decker |
Colin Blyth | Jesse Plunkard | Mike Morton | Tom Knapp |
Colton Askew | Jimmy Grindle | Mike Resz | Tom Nelson |
Connor Steck | Joe Devine | Mike Titus | Travis Wilson |
Dalton Wilson | Joey Sparks | Neil Rust | Tristan Sandoval |
Dan Brynildsen | John Doepke | Nick Kolomyja | Tyler Flynn |
Dan Fisher | John Kautter | Nicolis Alexander | Vincent Bryant Sr. |
Darin Bartholomew | Jonathan Qualls | Nigel Sakos | Will Zanders |
David Cline | Joseph Hovemeyer | Omar Rojas | Zach Strobis |
David Lembo | Josh Eggert | Ragnar Beard | Zach Vann |
David Lewis | Josh Horner | Raulin Goodman | Zak Silva |
Congratulations to the following throwers for securing their WATC bid!
Ashlyn Lampela-Christmas | Kelin Randall |
Austin Shepperd | Kyle Duff |
Bill Fienberg | Leo Brnada |
Black Metal Axe | Logan Keehn |
Colin Blyth | Matthew Pelletier |
Dan Fisher | Micah Fonoroff |
Frank Christmas | Mike Morton |
Jacob Crossan | Mike Resz |
James Waldrop | Ragnar Beard |
Joey Sparks | Ruben Vargas |
Jonathan Qualls | Tom Corey |
Joseph Hovemeyer | Tom Knapp |
Keith Kimball | Vincent Bryant Sr. |
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