Bringing Axe Throwing to Your Community A Community Model (CM) venue is designed for areas without access to an affiliated venue that hosts official leagues. CMs enable local community members to organize and run official...
Learn moreBefore registering with the World Axe throwing League® Inc (Hereby referred to as WATL), using the web site, using any other web site owned and operated by WATL®, or using any WATL® products or services, you must review and agree to the following terms and conditions. These terms and conditions explain WATL’s obligations to you, your obligations to WATL® when you register, and constitute a binding agreement between you and WATL® (the "Agreement") upon registration.
I. Eligibility
In order to be eligible for competing in the WATL® World Championship you must certify that you:
- Are 18 years of age or older.
- Are in reasonable physical condition.
- Agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
- Agree to our Code of Conduct.
- Agree to our Rules & Regulations.
You agree that you understand the nature of axe throwing, and other WATL® activities and that you are qualified, in good health and in proper physical condition and do not suffer from any heart, lung or other medical condition or disease that might in any way hinder or prevent you from fully participating in such activities or make you more susceptible to injury or harm while playing axe throwing, or participating in any other WATL® activity. You further agree that if at any time you believe conditions to be unsafe, you will immediately discontinue further participation in the activity.
WATL® and/or the facility hosting the tournament or event reserve the right to make the final decision on any member's eligibility to play or otherwise participate in the World Championship.
Referee Policy: Bad Axe Throwing will be providing coaches that will be trained by WATL® staff to comply with proper procedures set forth by the WATL® rules and regulations as well as the amended rules and regulations of the World Championship format.
II. Products/Services Provided
A member of the WATL® World Championship is guaranteed the following:
- Participation in the Axe Throwing and Trick shot tournament hosted at Bad Axe Throwing.
III. Charges for Products/Services
Upon registering to participate in any WATL® events, you agree to pay a registration fee, which is per player, per team and varies by chapter and is subject to change at any time. Early registrations are generally charged at a discounted rate.
In the event of registration cancellation at the request of a player, and the request is received at least 10 days prior to the first date of games, WATL® will reserve a $20 refund fee. Otherwise, WATL® does not offer refunds. WATL® does not allow you to substitute a player in your place.
IV. Rules of Play
The WATL® Rules of Play for axe throwing for the World Championship are available via the WATL® website and are subject to change. Rules applicable to any other sport that WATL® may offer will be made available via the website, distributed at the game or event or other otherwise communicated to members.
You agree that you have read the current WATL's league rules and agree to abide by them. You understand that, as part of a team, everyone else is depending upon you to show up and play on a regular basis. If you fail to show for your selected time, your match/es may be forfeit.
V. Safety
Above everything else, the safety of members is our top priority. Members agree to act in a safe, civil and respectful manner and agree to follow the rules WATL® has made for its sports and social events.
Members agree not to drink alcohol at sports games, and if any member shows up at the fields to play while intoxicated, such member(s) will be removed at the discretion of team captains, league organizers, or referees. Unless explicitly permitted at certain special axe throwing events where special authorization has been obtained, no alcohol is permitted at/on the game fields. No bottles, cans or cups of alcohol may be present at the fields before, during or after a game. If a player or team does not remove alcoholic beverages when requested, then the respective player(s) will be ejected from the game and the area, the team may be forced to forfeit their game, and the player or team may be removed from the league.
VI. Removal and Termination of Registration
WATL® and their affiliates reserve the absolute right to remove a member from the league for any reason, at any time without a refund. Acting in an unsafe manner or violation of the law will result in immediate termination of membership. WATL® and their affiliates reserve the right to suspend or remove players from the World Championship for violations of the park or division rules and general unsportsmanlike conduct. You agree that, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, WATL® or their affiliates may terminate this Agreement for any reason at any time. You agree that WATL® and their affiliates have the right, but not the obligation, to delete all program, data, or other files on our computer servers that are associated with your registration information at the time of termination. You understand and agree that WATL® and their affiliates have the right to suspend your registration if you are delinquent in payment or if otherwise deemed a detriment to the league.
VII. Video, Photographs, Copyright and Other Rights
Video and Photographs are frequently taken at WATL® games and events. Members understand that they may be filmed or photographed, such videos or pictures may be displayed on WATL's website (or other website owned, operated or maintained by WATL), and that WATL® is not responsible for members' actions or any results from being videoed or photographed. You consent and authorize WATL, its subsidiaries and affiliates to use your name, likeness, video or image for purposes of entertainment, advertising, marketing, promotion or trade without further compensation, except where prohibited by law. Members may be asked to remove branded merchandise during the tournament; all members are obliged to comply with all requests given.
All content, images, scripts, and other media on or social media platforms are copyrighted to WATL, unless explicitly stated otherwise. To the extent you provide information communicated or expressed via any medium (i.e., verbal communication, handwritten, electronically written) during any sporting events, social events or activities, or written on the message boards, you acknowledge and agree that any images or recordings obtained or procured by WATL® shall be the sole and exclusive property of WATL, and may be published, broadcast or otherwise disseminated at the sole and exclusive discretion of WATL. Furthermore, you grant WATL® a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, world-wide, right and license to reproduce, publish, distribute, perform and display such material (in whole or in part) at its sole discretion.
VIII. No Warranty
All products and services provides by or through WATL® is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, unless such warranties are legally incapable of exclusion. Your rights and WATL's responsibilities are limited to the warranties that are expressed in these written terms and conditions. You may not rely on oral or written information or advice given by WATL's volunteers, administrators, directors, employees, agents, authorized representatives, subcontractors or affiliates to create a warranty or increase the scope of warranty already established in these terms and conditions.
IX. Indemnification
Upon registration, you agree to pay the registration fee, agree and certify that you are at least 21 years of age, have health insurance, and understand that there are risks of injury associated with any recreational activity, including axe throwing, as well as health and other risks due to excessive consumption of alcohol, and that you assume the risks associated when you join.
In that regard, you acknowledge that you fully understand that axe throwing and other WATL® activities including, but not limited to, axe throwing, social events or other activities (each an "activity") involve risk and dangers of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis, and death, and understand these risks and dangers may be caused by your own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of participating in the activity, the action or inactions of others participating in the activity, the conditions in which the activity takes place, or the negligence of the "WATL® affiliates" named below. You fully understand there may be other risks and social and economic losses either not known to you or not readily foreseeable at this time. You fully accept and assume any and all risks associated with your participation in or presence at any WATL® events and activities.
You agree to release and discharge WATL® and its agents and affiliates from any and all claims for injuries, losses, costs, or damages, including negligence, sustained during or resulting from your participation in or presence at any and all activities or events associated with WATL. You release, discharge and covenant not to sue WATL® and its affiliates, their respective administrators, directors, agents, members, owners, officers, volunteers, employees, authorized representatives, subcontractors and other participants (each considered as one of the WATL® "affiliates" herein) from all liabilities, claims, demands, losses or damages on your account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the WATL® affiliates or otherwise including negligent rescue, operations and you further agree that if, despite this assumption of risk and indemnity, you, or anyone on your behalf, makes a claim against any of the WATL® affiliates, you will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the WATL® affiliates from any litigation expenses, attorney fees, loss, liabilities, damage, or cost which may incur as a result of such claim.
Furthermore, you release, discharge and hold harmless WATL® and the WATL® affiliates, including Bad Axe Throwing from any and all liability that may arise directly or indirectly at any time, by any reason, by reason of any injury, death, damage, loss, or expense incurred in connection with (i) your participation in the sport of axe throwing itself or other WATL® activity, or (ii) your attendance at any social event or gathering that may be organized, authorized, or paid for by the WATL® affiliates, individual axe throwing players, or any league or division organized under the WATL® affiliates or their rules, including but not limited to "happy hours", bar functions, field trips, tailgates, and any pre-game or post-game events or gatherings.
Note to Nonmembers: Any persons participating in or present at a WATL® activity or event (a "participant"), whether or not members of WATL, agree (by their participation in or presence at the WATL® activity or event) to defend, release, indemnify, and hold harmless WATL, its affiliated companies and licensors, and its and their respective volunteers, administrators, directors, employees, agents, authorized representatives, and subcontractors from all liabilities, claims and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys fees, arising from such person's participation in or presence at any WATL® activity or event. Except to the extent that such disclaimers are expressly prohibited by law, WATL® disclaims any and all loss, damage, or liability arising out of or relating to your participation in or presence in all WATL® activities. Participants in WATL® events or activities where alcohol is served certify that they are 21 years of age or older.
X. Dispute Resolution
Notwithstanding the Indemnification above, if there is any dispute or controversy between WATL® and a member or participant arising out of or relating to this Agreement, you agree that such dispute or controversy will be arbitrated in accordance with proceedings under American Arbitration Association rules, and such arbitration shall be the exclusive dispute resolution method under this Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Illinois.
XI. Changes to Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions and Rules of Play may be updated from time to time without notice. It is the responsibility of each member to periodically review them for updates and comport with such update.