Venue Target Specifications
So long as the targets for sanctioned league and tournament play follow the standards set forth in Section 4 (Target Specifications) of Gameplay Rules, all following WATL target specifications are recommendations only.
- Each throwing area is designated as a throwing lane.
- A regulation lane for competition must contain 2 targets.
- Fences or walls block this area from the rest of the facility to keep throwers and axes all contained in a safe environment.
- Only the two participating throwers and the axe throwing judge are allowed inside the lane at one time. This includes ensuring the area behind the throwers is clear of any other person up to 5′.
- 12 ft minimum/clear ceiling height (within the throwing lane) is recommended for safety reasons.
- It is recommended for a lane to be a minimum of 12ft in width with the targets evenly distributed.
- It is recommended for a lane to be a minimum of 15ft in length to accommodate for a 12ft fault line and safe space to throw.
- For venues wishing to host Big Axe throwing, it is recommended for a lane to be a minimum of 20ft in length to accommodate for a 15ft fault line and safe space to throw.
- It is recommended that fault lines be 3 inches wide and that the fault be measured from the front of the target to the back of the line; if throwers step into/past the line, it is a fault.

Building a WATL Target
- Each target should be made of 3 layers of wood.
- The first layer should cover the wall in OSB or plywood.
- The second layer is called the Backboards and should be made of wood.
- There should be horizontal 2x10s, that are 4′ feet long, drilled into the wall and packed tightly together to cover the full space for the outer Targets. (This usually takes 6 – 8 boards) This will be the backboard which you will then drill your target boards against.
- The third and outermost layer is called the Target boards. These are also made of 4′ feet long 2×10 lumber. The targets consist of two components: 1) the targets 2) the headers and footers.
- End Grain wood is permitted for WATL targets
- Approximate Measurements for the 2×10 boards:
- U.S: Thickness:1-1/2 in • Width 9-1/4 in • Length 4 ft.
- Metric: Thickness 38mm • Width 235 mm Length 1.22m
- A variance of these measurements is allowed. WATL does not enforce the exact thickness or width of boards, rather, the proper and accurate size of target specifications.
- They should be arranged like the example picture below, with #WATL on the header or footer board.

For more information on building a venue, check out our “How to Build an Axe Throwing Venue” article linked below.
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