2024 Gameplay Rules
It is the duty of the Head Judge at any sanctioned event to interpret and apply the rules as fairly and consistently as possible. All decisions made at the discretion of the Head Judge, in the interest of fair play, may overrule the below in cases in which it is deemed necessary to the fair application of the rules as intended. Abuse of this discretion or disagreements about the decisions of the Head Judge may be reported or appealed to the WATL® Commissioner, WATL® Head Judge, or the Head of Officiating.
Legacy Rules
This ruleset is no longer active or valid as of 12/31/24.
Please refer to https://worldaxethrowingleague.com/axe-throwing-rules/ for the current rule set.
Section A: Specifications
1. Axe Regulations
- The maximum specifications for all hatchets are:
- Weight- 3lbs/1.36kg total
- Length- 19 inches/48.26cm (as measured from the top of the eye)
- Bit- 4 inches/10.16cm (as measured tip to tip in a straight line)
- Axes may only have one sharp bit. No sharpened bits, spikes, or blades are allowed opposite the intended scoring area of the axe.
- Axe Heads must be held securely to the handle. Axe heads that are in danger of coming off the handle or have a head that is easily removed (ie. heads that are clamped or held into the handle by a screw or pin) are not legal for sanctioned events unless otherwise approved by WATL®.
- Illegal Axes for Competition
- Any axe that infringes on design patents and trademarks held by any organization or is a direct copy or replica of other individuals’ or businesses’ intellectual property, unless special dispensation has been granted. Warriors, Hacha Manufacturing, and Urban Edge axes are not permitted for WATL® competition use.
- Use of illegal axes may result in the loss of points, position and prize money. At WATL’s® discretion, further action may be taken.
2. Judging
- Throwers and spectators will not bully, harass, or attempt to influence a judge in any non-constructive manner. Any person found to be doing so will receive a Code of Conduct violation.
- Certified Judge Requirements
- At least 1 Certified Judge must be present per 16 throwers at all WATL-sanctioned leagues, Tier 2, and Tier 3 tournaments.
- Majors and Tier 1 tournaments require 1 certified judge per lane in use.
- Certified Judges must be actively working sanctioned events to count towards the Judge requirement minimums.
- Participating throwers who are Certified Judges, but are not actively working the event, are not counted towards this minimum requirement.
- Certified Judges are allowed to participate as throwers but may never score their own sanctioned games.
- Judges should not be, or become, impaired (by alcohol or other mind-altering substance) during any time they may reasonably be expected to judge sanctioned events. If it is suspected that a judge has become impaired in such a way, then they must be removed from judging immediately and may be subject to removal of their certification.
- Judges should not preside over sanctioned games where there is a conflict of interest unless the circumstances are unavoidable. Conflicts of interest would include – family members, significant others, etc.
- Judges are responsible for disclosing any conflicts of interest to throwers before a sanctioned game and directly asking them if they’d prefer a new judge.
- Throwers can request another Judge if a conflict of interest is present.
- Any incorrect applications of rules made in situations where bias may be present could lead to the removal of certification.
- If another judge or thrower believes that a judge is not following the current rules and regulations or is making incorrect calls, they must report it directly to a Head Judge or other event authority immediately.
- Judges may be pulled from scoring at any time by any event or WATL authority.
- Any gross misconduct from Certified Judges must be reported to [email protected].
3. Lanes
- Each throwing area is designated as a throwing lane.
- A regulation lane for competition must contain 2 targets.
- Fences or walls block this area from the rest of the facility to keep throwers and axes contained in a safe environment.
- Only the participating throwers and the lane judge are allowed inside the lane during a match. This includes ensuring the area behind the throwers is clear.
4. Target Specifications
- Each WATL-sanctioned event or league should have targets drawn with a WATL official target stencil.
- Targets at all sanctioned leagues and events must adhere to the measurements specified in this section.
- A placement allowance of up to ½” to account for measurement variabilities (tape measure inconsistencies, board width imperfections, etc) is acceptable provided that uniformity is maintained across targets within the same event.
- All targets drawn by properly using an official stencil are considered within tolerance for league and tournament play.
- Variances in scoring zone height, while allowed, should also fall within ¾” of all corresponding targets (those falling on the same horizontal plane) within the lane.
- Scoring zone sizes should all conform to what is written below with the understanding that some reasonable expansion may occur as targets deteriorate.
- A placement allowance of up to ½” to account for measurement variabilities (tape measure inconsistencies, board width imperfections, etc) is acceptable provided that uniformity is maintained across targets within the same event.
- The center of the target is 60″ from the ground, centered on the middle board of the target.
- A black marker will be used to draw the target lines.
- Lines should all be 20mm thick, with a ⅛” allowance to account for bleed and marker variability.
- The middle bullseye is 1.5” in diameter, centered in the target, outlined with a black ballpoint pen, and colored in red.
- In all Major and Tier 1 tournaments, the inner edge of the center 5 ring must also be outlined with a red ballpoint pen, which will count as part of the scoring area.
- Pen lines will be drawn with the use of a centering tool such as the official WATL Perfect 6.
- The 4 outer bullseyes and 5 rings are centered within the 3 ring of the target.
- The bottom of the 5 rings should measure 55.5″ and 62.5″ from the ground.
- The outer 5 rings are 2″ in diameter, and the outer bullseyes are ¾” in diameter, centered within each of the 5 rings.
- The outer 5 and 6 rings should be drawn with a black ballpoint pen, and the center 6 should be colored in red.
- The 4 Killshots are centered in the 1 ring of the target.
- The bottom of the outer Killshots should measure 47.25″ and 71.25″ from the ground.
- The Killshots consist of a ¾” ‘inner Killshot’ that is colored in blue and a 1.5″ outer Killshot.
- Inner Killshots should be outlined with a red, ballpoint pen. Outer Killshots may be drawn with red or black ballpoint pen for visual purposes.
- Lines must be complete, with no gaps that interfere with the ability to judge the scoring of an axe.
- Targets should not contain any extraneous markings that would impede the ability to properly score an axe.
- A wood crayon, highlighter, or other marking tool may be used within the outer 5 rings and Killshots for visual purposes, as long as the pen line is still clearly identifiable for scoring purposes.
- Projected Targets are not permitted for sanctioned leagues or tournaments.
See images below for the correct target design and placement.

Venue Target Specifications
So long as the targets for sanctioned league and tournament play follow the standards set forth in the section above, all following WATL target specifications are recommendations only.
- Each throwing area is designated as a throwing lane.
- A regulation lane for competition must contain 2 targets.
- Fences or walls block this area from the rest of the facility to keep throwers and axes all contained in a safe environment.
- Only the two participating throwers and the axe throwing judge are allowed inside the lane at one time. This includes ensuring the area behind the throwers is clear of any other person up to 5′.
- 12 ft minimum/clear ceiling height (within the throwing lane) is recommended for safety reasons.
- It is recommended for a lane to be a minimum of 12ft in width with the targets evenly distributed.
- It is recommended for a lane to be a minimum of 15ft in length to accommodate for a 12ft fault line and safe space to throw.
- For venues wishing to host Big Axe throwing, it is recommended for a lane to be a minimum of 20ft in length to accommodate for a 15ft fault line and safe space to throw.
- It is recommended that fault lines be 3 inches wide and that the fault be measured from the front of the target to the back of the line; if throwers step into/past the line, it is a fault.

Building a WATL Target
Each target should be made of 3 layers of wood.
- The first layer should cover the wall in OSB or plywood.
- The second layer is called the Backboards and should be made of wood.
- There should be horizontal 2x10s, that are 4′ feet long, drilled into the wall and packed tightly together to cover the full space for the outer Targets. (This usually takes 6 – 8 boards) This will be the backboard which you will then drill your target boards against.
- The third and outermost layer is called the Target boards. These are also made of 4′ feet long 2×10 lumber. The targets consist of two components: 1) the targets 2) the headers and footers.
- End Grain wood is permitted for WATL® targets
- Approximate Measurements for the 2×10 boards:
- U.S: Thickness:1-1/2 in • Width 9-1/4 in • Length 4 ft.
- Metric: Thickness 38mm • Width 235 mm Length 1.22m
- A variance of these measurements is allowed. WATL® does not enforce the exact thickness or width of boards, rather, the proper and accurate size of target specifications.
- They should be arranged just like the example picture below, with #WATL on the header or footer board.

Section B: Gameplay
All rules outlined below reflect the rules and regulations of standard, hatchet discipline. These rules vary slightly in their application for the Duals and Big Axe disciplines (outlined in Section D).
1. Targets
- Targets should be of sound quality before gameplay starts.
- Target boards should be switched if:
- Excessive movement or ‘wiggling’ of the axe occurs when it lands in the damaged area causing or risking good throws to fall out.
- Scoring areas are missing significant gaps or lines that would prevent scoring axes in those areas correctly.
- Target boards should be changed at the discretion of the lane judge should they feel one of the above criteria is met.
- If a thrower disagrees with a judge’s call to not change the boards, they may request the head judge inspect the target(s).
- If boards become unscorable during the course of the match, the judge, at their discretion, may opt to move the match to another lane. If no lane is available, boards on the current lane may be swapped out before continuing play.
- If boards are changed during the course of a game, throwers may each take 1 practice throw at the new board.
- Boards must all be individually secured and not able to slide or move from the target during sanctioned events.
- Throwers may not add marks to or damage the board with the intent to gain a scoring advantage.
- Intentionally altering the board in this way will result in a 0 for the next throw.
2. Warm-up Throws
- The minimum number of warm-up throws at any sanctioned WATL league or tournament is:
- 3 throws before a thrower’s first game of the day.
- If no warmup time is provided, the suggested number of throws provided before game 1 is 10 throws.
- 1 throw before any subsequent game.
- 3 throws before a thrower’s first game of the day.
- The Head Judge or hosting venue, at their sole discretion, may determine a different number of warm-up throws.
- Warm-up times must be equally available to all throwers.
3. Safety and Faults
- If an axe breaks during a match in a manner that would make it unsafe to throw or causes it to be out of specification, the judge may require the thrower to switch axes.
- A thrower may also elect to change axes at any time.
- If a judge has initiated a change requirement, there will be an automatic pause while the thrower retrieves their replacement axe. If the thrower has initiated the change, a 1-minute pause in play will be granted to retrieve the new axe.
- If an injury occurs, resulting in a pause in play, a thrower must be assessed by a judge or onsite medical professional.
- If the thrower is assessed and able to continue, then the paused game/match may continue.
- If a thrower is deemed unable to continue or wishes not to continue, the match will be awarded to the opponent.
- Throwing
- Throwers must remain behind their designated fault line until all scores have been indicated by the lane judge.
- If a thrower touches any part of the lane, equipment, or building past the designated fault line once the lane is active, the current throw will be marked as a fault.
- A fault may be dismissed by the judge if the infraction is deemed outside the thrower’s control.
- Those throwing in wheelchairs must keep one wheel behind the designated fault line but are otherwise allowed past that line.
- Those requiring the assistance of a cane or other walking device may have that device resting past the fault line provided both feet remain behind the designated line.
- No equipment that blocks or emits sound (such as headphones or earplugs) may be used while throwing.
- Exceptions will be made for medical devices that aid in hearing, provided they are not being used to play sound.
- Axes shall never be thrown when a participant is returning from the target area or when a judge is in the lane.
- If a competitor throws in any unsafe manner while anyone is downrange, the judge may remove that thrower from competition at which point they will be disqualified for the rest of the event.
- Spectators should maintain a safe distance from all competitors.
- Any overhead throw must be done with the blade facing away from the thrower.
4. Playing a Game
- Each game consists of 10 throws.
- After 5 throws (one half), throwers will switch targets.
- Starting targets will be determined by the side assigned in the App when the game is selected.
- The first half of the game is always played with a 12′ fault line.
- ADVANCED throwers play the second half of the with a 15′ fault line; the fault line does not change for AMATEUR throwers.
- If the game is tied after 10 throws, the game will enter sudden death.
- After 5 throws (one half), throwers will switch targets.
- Sudden Death – When the game is tied after 10 throws, additional (non-scored) throws will be taken to determine the winner. All sudden death throws must be Killshot attempts, and throwers must move clockwise from the previous attempted Killshot if additional throws are required.
- All sudden death throws are taken at Killshots; any throw that does not touch a Killshot is considered a miss.
- The fault line for each thrower in sudden death is the same as the fault line at which they threw the second half of the game.
- The first throw in sudden death may be taken at any Killshot. All subsequent throws, if necessary, must be taken at the next Killshot, rotating clockwise from the previously attempted Killshot.
- If a thrower’s axe scores higher than their opponent’s during any sudden death throw, that thrower is awarded the win.
- If both throwers hit the same Killshot value (6 or 8), sudden death will continue.
- Any double miss will result in a measurement to determine a winner.
- The judge will measure the distance between the closest scoring edge of the axes to the edge of the Killshots the throwers were required to attempt.
- Axes that drop or stick outside the target boards (such as in the header or footer) are considered unmeasurable and are not considered when measuring for the shortest distance.
- The thrower with the shortest distance will be awarded the game.
- If measurements are inconclusive, or both throwers have thrown unmeasurable axes, resulting in a tie, throwers must throw again, continuing to rotate Killshots clockwise.
- Pauses and Delays
- The lane is considered open for the next active throw when all throwers and the lane judge have returned behind the fault line, and no pause in play has been called by the judge.
- If a stalemate is caused by throwers waiting on their opponent to throw or call, then the person in the lead may have the advantage of waiting, and the judge will ask the trailing thrower to throw.
- Once prompted by the judge, the trailing player will have 10 seconds to complete their throw, after which time, the throw will count as a fault.
- If the game is tied, the judge will flip a coin to determine the first thrower.
- Throws must be taken within 10 seconds of each other, and any throw taken more than 10 seconds after an opponent’s throw will count as a fault.
- In order to count the throw as a fault, a timer must be used by the lane judge.
- A judge should always institute a timer if, in their estimation, a thrower is close to exceeding the allotted time.
- The judge must also institute a timer should either thrower request it be instituted.
- If a timer is instituted, the judge must inform the throwers, and it must be used for a minimum of 3 throws or the remainder of the game.
- The lane judge may call a pause in play for any reason deemed necessary.
- Throwers may also request a pause in play that may be granted at the discretion of the lane judge.
- If a pause in play is called, the judge will indicate when the lane is open to throw, and play will commence from the point at which the pause was called.
- Challenges
- A thrower may ask for a second opinion on any score called by the lane judge.
- If a second opinion is called, both throwers must return behind their designated fault lines until the second is resolved.
- If a thrower alters the position of an axe in any way after a second is called, the lower value will automatically be applied to the axe in question.
- The second opinion is always made by the head judge (or by another certified judge selected by the head judge in the case the head judge is unavailable or has a conflict).
- The second opinion is the final call and may not be disputed further.
- The lane judge must always make a call on each throw.
- If a thrower believes an incorrect application of the rules is being assessed, they may appeal to the head judge to resolve the matter.
- Upon review of the rules, if the thrower believes the head judge is also not properly applying the rules, they may appeal to the WATL Head Judge, the Head of Officiating, or any designated WATL rules expert.
- In the case of an appeal, the thrower should leave their axe in the board, and the match should not be completed in the app until the dispute is resolved.
- Throwers may not retroactively issue challenges to completed matches.
- Any challenge automatically pauses play.
- It is the thrower’s responsibility to know and understand the rules and call seconds and challenges when applicable.
- Challenges/seconds can not be made by spectators.
- EXCEPTION: Throwers under the age of 18 may name a representative to act on their behalf. The representative is only able to challenge calls on behalf of the Thrower. Each representative is to be named before the start of the sanctioned event. The representative is expected to follow all rules of play as if they were the competitor.
- A thrower may ask for a second opinion on any score called by the lane judge.
5. Scoring
All scoring is based on touch scoring where the valid scoring area of an axe makes contact with the surface of the board. Axes only need to make contact with the scoring area on one side of the blade; scoring area is not required on both sides of the axe blade.

- Scoring Area of the Axe
- The valid scoring area of the axe includes the axe head up to the front of the eye but not past it.
- If there is no visible eye, the valid scoring area is determined by where the front of the handle meets the axe head.
- Axes that contain more than one bit embedded in the target will score based on the valid, intended scoring area of the axe.
- An axe is scored based on the highest typical (non-closed) point value that touches the valid scoring area of the axe.
- Any part of the axe embedded below the scoring surface does not count for scoring.
- Axes cannot be moved to determine score and must be scored as they lie.
- Wood significantly shifted away from the intended scoring zone does not count for scoring.
- If an axe falls to the ground before the lane judge scores the axe, that axe is counted as a drop.
- The valid scoring area of the axe includes the axe head up to the front of the eye but not past it.
- There are 5 thick black rings that outline the scoring area of the target.
- Target rings are scored according to the graphic shown here.
- Black marker rings are considered part of the scoring area of the lower of the two values they separate.
- Sticking in the target outside the outermost ring scores 0 points.
- There are 5 red bullseye targets on the board worth 6 points, each centered within a 5 point ring.
- 4 of these bullseyes are within the 3 ring, and one is in the center of the target.
- All 6s and the outer 5s are outlined with a ballpoint pen which counts as part of the scoring zone for that target.
- There are 4 ‘Killshots’ located within the 1 point ring of the target that consist of an ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ scoring area.
- Touching the scoring area of the inner Killshot is worth 8 points, and touching the scoring area of only the outer Killshot is worth 6 points.
- The pen line counts as part of the valid scoring area for both the inner and the outer Killshots.
- Killshots must be ‘called’ in order to count for points.
- To call a Killshot, a thrower must indicate to the judge that they intend to throw for Killshot.
- Once a Killshot is called and confirmed by the judge, the decision may not be changed.
- Killshots may not be called once either thrower has thrown.
- If a Killshot is called, failing to hit any part of a valid Killshot is worth 0 points.
- Only 2 Killshots may be called during the match.
- In the event of a drop on any throw (except the tenth), a thrower is awarded ONE extra Killshot attempt (for a maximum of 3 attempts)
- To call a Killshot, a thrower must indicate to the judge that they intend to throw for Killshot.
- Closing Targets
- Hitting any 6 point bullseye closes that bullseye for the remainder of the half
- Hitting the same bullseye a second time in the half results in a score of 5.
- All non-Killshot values open when opponents switch sides.
- Scoring points on a Killshot attempt closes both Killshots at that height.
- Killshots do not reset at the half.
- Hitting a second Killshot at the same height will count as a miss.
- If a thrower has been awarded a 3rd Killshot due to a dropped axe, and both heights have been hit, either height may be attempted.
- Hitting any 6 point bullseye closes that bullseye for the remainder of the half
6. Tournament Specific Rules
All rules listed below supersede the above gameplay rules for all WATL sanctioned tournaments.
- Warm Up Throws
- If warm up times are provided, every effort must be made to ensure these are made equally available to all competitors.
- Times and lanes must be posted and available for all competitors and should not deviate from posted times.
- Times and number of available lanes must be equal for all brackets in a multi-bracket tournament.
- Staff must be available at each lane to ensure competitors are rotating in a manner to allow all participants an equal number of throws.
- Any additional throws are prohibited for competitors with games left to play in any active bracket.
- If warm up times are provided, every effort must be made to ensure these are made equally available to all competitors.
- Faults
- Fault lines for tournaments are determined by the division of the tournament, NOT the individual thrower’s designation.
- An Amateur thrower throwing in an Open division playing with Advanced rules must still throw the second half of the match from 15.’
- Advanced throwers are not allowed to throw in Amateur division tournaments.
- Fault lines for tournaments are determined by the division of the tournament, NOT the individual thrower’s designation.
- Match Play
- Tournaments are always played as best 2 out of 3 games (referred to as a match).
- The first thrower to win 2 games in each match is awarded the win.
- Tournaments are always played as best 2 out of 3 games (referred to as a match).
- Sudden Death
- In sudden death, a double miss is not measured until the fourth attempted Killshot.
- If throw 1 misses the Killshot, the starting attempted Killshot will be assumed as the closest Killshot to the scoring area of that axe.
- If all previous sudden death throws have resulted in drops, all Killshots remain open for the next sudden death throw.
- In sudden death, a double miss is not measured until the fourth attempted Killshot.
- Forfeits
- If a thrower does not arrive at the lane within 10 minutes of their match being called, that thrower will forfeit the match.
- If the forfeited match would be the 1st match for their opponent, that opponent may:
- Throw 2 ‘ghost’ games (in which the absent thrower will receive all 0s).
- Elect to not throw and receive warm-up throws for their second match as if it were their first.
- If a thrower has not arrived at the facility by the time their second match is called, their opponent will have the option to play two ‘ghost’ games with no opponent.
- Throwers who have not communicated with the hosting venue or tournament runners will be assumed missing and no grace period will be given for their second match.
- Throwers who have communicated that they have arrived or are on the way will receive a second 10-minute grace period before forfeiting the match.
- Closing Targets
- Hitting any scoring area within the 5-ring closes all scoring areas within that ring for the remainder of the half.
- Hitting inside the same 5-ring a second time in a half will result in a score of 0. EXAMPLE: If the center 6 is hit on throw 1 and the center 5 hit on throw 3, throw 3 will count as a 0 (or vice versa).
- If an axe touches a closed value, the axe will score based on the typical value of the ring vs the current value of the ring. (An axe in both the 4 and a closed 5, will score 0, not 4).
- All non-Killshot targets open when opponents switch sides.
- Hitting any scoring area within the 5-ring closes all scoring areas within that ring for the remainder of the half.
Section C: Sanctioned Leagues
Exceptions to any of the below due to circumstances outside of the venue or the thrower’s reasonable control may be made with prior permission of the World Axe Throwing League Commissioner or League Manager.
1. League Format
For league dates, regulations, and instructions, visit the official “How to Run a WATL League” page.
- Week 7 must be completed by the season-end date for league scores to be official.
- League Minimums
- The number of unique throwers required for league to be official are:
- Standard Hatchet: 6 Throwers
- Big Axe: 4 Throwers
- Duals: Two Teams (4 Throwers)
- Throwers must complete 12 games to count for league minimums.
- Throwers may play in more than one league, but they will not count towards minimums in more than one league at the same venue (except for marathon leagues).
- A thrower may not throw in the same league under two different profiles.
- The number of unique throwers required for league to be official are:
- Make-Ups
- It is up to the venue to set their own absence policies regarding the number of weeks a thrower can miss.
- For ease of league nights, league runners may create single thrower or manual (non-app assigned) matchups.
- Only 8 single thrower games are permitted per thrower.
- More than 8 manual matchups for any thrower will be flagged for review by WATL.
- All makeups must be completed during that league’s designated league times. (You cannot make up games for Tuesday night league on Friday)
- Marathon Leagues
- Venues may elect to hold leagues in which all 28 games are played in a single day instead of on a designated league night (referred to as ‘Marathon Leagues’).
- All Marathon Leagues must be completed within 24 hours.
- A venue may only hold a maximum of 2 Marathon Leagues per season per discipline.
- Marathon Leagues hold the same minimum thrower requirements, but all throwers in the marathon will count towards minimums (provided they meet the minimum 12 games played requirement) regardless of other leagues.
- Exclusive leagues, referring to any league that is not open to all throwers, can only be held as recreational leagues. This includes but is not limited to women-only, youth-only, and statistics-based leagues (above a certain average, Pro status, etc).
Section D: Big Axe & Duals
Big Axe and Duals disciplines follow all rules outlined in sections A-C with the following exceptions. Duals and Big Axe games may be played on the standard hatchet target; however, the bullseyes and 5 rings located within the 3-point ring of the target are not active for scoring purposes.
1. Big Axe
- Axe Specifications (replaces Section A 1.i)
- The total axe weight must be at least 3.00lbs, but no more than 4.25lbs
- The handle length must be a minimum of 23” inches to a maximum of 30” as measured from the lowest point of the handle to the highest point of the eye on top of the axe head.
- The axe blade cannot be more than 4 5/8″
- Gameplay Changes
- A big axe game consists of 7 throws.
- Throwers will switch sides after each game but will remain on the same target for the duration of each game.
- The fault line is moved to 15′ for all 7 throws.
- Target Differences
- 5s and 6s can only be scored on the center target.
- Closing targets
- The bullseye does not close out.
- Only hit Killshots close; there is no requirement to alternate heights until sudden death.
- Killshots
- A Killshot is considered a hit (worth 8 points) if it touches any part of the Killshot (inner or outer)
- A third Killshot attempt is not awarded on a drop.
2. Duals
The Duals discipline involved two teammates throwing at the same target simultaneously. Both axes count towards a total team score for the game.
- Gameplay Changes
- A Duals game consists of 5 throws, and teams will throw all 5 throws at the same target.
- A ‘throw’ consists of 2 axes thrown simultaneously by the same team.
- A fault for either thrower on a team results in a fault for the entire throw, and both axes will be scored as faults.
- If one thrower’s axe hits the target before their teammate has let go of their axe, that throw will count as a fault.
- Teams will switch sides after each game but will remain on the same target for the duration of each game.
- All throws are thrown with a 12′ fault line.
- As a safety precaution, throwers must throw from approximately the same distance. (One thrower cannot release their axe at the 12ft line and another at the 15ft line).
- For an axe that is ONLY embedded into another axe, both axes will receive the point value of the axe embedded in the target.
- In order for an embedded axe to count as a hit Killshot, both throwers must have called for a Killshot attempt.
- In the event only one thrower has called a Killshot, the other axe will score based on the location of the axe in the board.
- Once an axe is scored, the Judge may ask the thrower to remove the first scored axe to determine the score of the second axe. If removing the first axe causes the second axe to drop, the lower score threshold will be given.
- A Duals game consists of 5 throws, and teams will throw all 5 throws at the same target.
- Target Differences
- 5s and 6s can only be scored on the center target.
- Closing targets
- The bullseye does not close out.
- Only hit Killshots close; there is no requirement to alternate heights until sudden death.
- Killshots
- A Killshot is considered a hit (worth 8 points) if it touches any part of the Killshot (inner or outer)
- An extra Killshot attempt is not awarded for a drop.
- Each TEAM is allowed to call for 2 Killshots. (These can be taken separately or on the same throw).
- Killshots only close after both axes are scored, and two axes touching the same Killshot scores 16 points (provided both throwers have called a Killshot).
- Sudden Death
- Both teammates must still individually rotate Killshot attempts in a clockwise pattern.
- If one team hits more Killshots than the opposing team, they will be awarded the win.
- If the same number of Killshots are hit by both teams, sudden death continues clockwise unless 0 Killshots are hit.
- In the event 0 Killshots are hit by all throwers, the judge will measure to determine a winner.
- The axe closest to the Killshot on each team will be measured to determine the winning team.
Click below to view the 2023 Gameplay Rules. Please note, the 2023 ruleset is no longer active or valid as of 12/31/23.
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